%\VignetteIndexEntry{netresponse} %The above line is needed to remove a warning in R CMD check \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \title{netresponse\\probabilistic tools for functional network analysis} \author{Leo Lahti$^{1,2}$\footnote{leo.lahti@iki.fi}, Olli-Pekka Huovilainen$^1$,\\Ant{\'o}nio Gusm{\~a}o$^1$ and Juuso Parkkinen$^1$\\ \\(1) Dpt. Information and Computer Science, Aalto University, Finland\\(2) Wageningen University, Netherlands} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts} %\usepackage[authoryear,round]{natbib} \usepackage[numbers]{natbib} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{Sweave} \usepackage{float} %\textwidth=6.2in %\textheight=8.5in %\oddsidemargin=.1in %\evensidemargin=.1in %\headheight=-.3in \newcommand{\Rfunction}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Robject}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rpackage}[1]{{\textit{#1}}} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} Condition-specific network activation is characteristic for cellular systems and other real-world interaction networks. If measurements of network states are available across a versatile set of conditions or time points, it becomes possible to construct a global view of network activation patterns. Different parts of the network respond to different conditions, and in different ways. Systematic, data-driven identification of these responses will help to obtain a holistic view of network activity \cite{Lahti10bioinf, Lahti10thesis}. This package provides robust probabilistic algorithms for functional network analysis \cite{Lahti10bioinf, Parkkinen10bmcsysbio}. The methods are based on nonparametric probabilistic modeling and variational learning, and provide general exploratory tools to investigate the structure (ICMg; \cite{Parkkinen10bmcsysbio}) and context-specific behavior (NetResponse; \cite{Lahti10bioinf}) of interaction networks. ICMg is used to identify community structure in interaction networks; NetResponse detects and characterizes subnetworks that exhibit context-specific activation patterns across versatile collections of functional measurements, such as gene expression data. The implementations are partially based on the agglomerative independent variable group analysis \citep{Honkela08} and variational Dirichlet process Gaussian mixture models \cite{Kurihara07nips}. The tools are particularly useful for global exploratory analysis of genome-wide interaction networks and versatile collections of gene expression data. %The package provides also implementations for aivga and vdp. %Further %tools %for visualization and analysis will be provided in the %later %versions. %The R package depends on \Rpackage{igraph} and %\Rpackage{Rgraphviz} %packages. \section{Loading the package and example data} Load the package and toy data set. The {\it toydata} object contains the variables {\it D} (gene expression matrix) and {\it netw} (network matrix). The data matrix {\it D} describes measurements of the network activation over multiple conditions. This simple toy data will be analyzed in the subsequent examples. Note that the method is potentially applicable to networks with thousands of nodes and conditions; the scalability depends on network connectivity. <>= library(netresponse) data(toydata) D <- as.matrix(toydata$emat) netw <- as.matrix(toydata$netw) @ \section{Detecting network responses} Detect network responses across the different measurement conditions in the data matrix D: <>= model <- detect.responses(D, netw, verbose = FALSE) @ Various network formats are supported, see help(detect.responses) for details. With large data sets, consider using the 'speedup' option. \section{Investigating the results} Subnetwork statistics: size and number of distinct responses for each subnet <>= stat <- model.stats(model) stat @ List the detected subnetworks (each is a list of nodes). By default, singleton subnetworks (with only one gene) and subnetworks with only a single response (no differences between conditions) are excluded. To change the defaults, see help(get.subnets). Subnetworks can be filtered by size and number of responses. Subnetworks that have only one response are not informative of the differences between conditions, and typically ignored in subsequent analysis. <>= get.subnets(model, min.size = 2, min.responses = 2) @ %Pick one of the subnets (define by identifier) %<<>>= %inds <- which(sapply(model@last.grouping, length) > 2) %subnet.id <- names(which.min(model@costs[inds])) %@ %Check nodes of a particular subnetwork %<>= %subnet.id <- 'Subnet-2' %get.subnets(model)[[subnet.id]] %@ Each subnetwork response has a probabilistic association to each condition. Get the list of samples corresponding to each response (each sample is assigned to the response of the highest probability) with response2sample function. <>= subnet.id <- 'Subnet-2' response2sample(model, subnet.id) @ Retrieve model parameters of a given subnetwork (Gaussian mixture means, covariance diagonal, and component weights): <>= pars <- get.model.parameters(model, subnet.id) # model parameters pars @ Probabilistic sample-response assignments for a given subnet is retrieved with: <>= response.probabilities <- sample2response(model, subnet.id) @ \section{Extending the subnetworks} After identifying the locally connected subnetworks, it is possible to search for features (genes) that are similar to a given subnetwork but not directly interacting with it. To order the remaining features in the input data based on similarity with the subnetwork, type <>= g <- find.similar.features(model, subnet.id = "Subnet-1") subset(g, delta < 0) @ This gives a data frame which indicates similarity level with the subnetwork for each feature. The smaller, the more similar. Negative values of delta indicate the presence of coordinated responses, positive values of delta indicate independent responses. The data frame is ordered such that the features are listed by decreasing similarity. \section{Nonparametric Gaussian mixture models} The package provides additional tools for nonparametric Gaussian mixture modeling based on variational Dirichlet process mixture models and implementations by \citep{Kurihara07nips, Honkela08}. See the example in help(vdp.mixt). \section{Interaction Component Model for Gene Modules} Interaction Component Model (ICMg) can be used to find functional gene modules \cite{Parkkinen10bmcsysbio} from either protein interaction data or from combinations of protein interaction and gene expression data. A short example of how to run ICMg and obtain clustering for the nodes: <>= library(netresponse) data(osmo) res <- ICMg.combined.sampler(osmo$ppi, osmo$exp, C=10) res$comp.memb <- ICMg.get.comp.memberships(osmo$ppi, res) res$clustering <- apply(res$comp.memb, 2, which.max) @ \section{Visualization} Plot subnetwork responses (Fig.~\ref{fig:responses}). The visualization tools depend on {\it Rgraphviz} and {\it igraph} packages. \begin{figure}[H] \begin{center} <>= subnet.id <- "Subnet-2" # specify the subnet to visualize vis <- plot.responses(model, subnet.id) @ \end{center} \caption{} \label{fig:responses} \end{figure} Plot color scale used in the visualization: <<>>= plot.scale(vis$breaks, vis$palette) @ %Plot the subnetwork (Fig.~\ref{fig:subnet}): %\begin{figure}[H] %\begin{center} %<>= %# Fix later %#tmp <- plot.response(x = NULL, mynet, mybreaks = NULL, mypalette = NULL, colors = FALSE, maintext = paste("Subnetwork", subnet.id)) %@ %\end{center} %\caption{} %\label{fig:subnet} %\end{figure} %Visualize data and centroids for given subnetwork with PCA (Fig.~\ref{fig:pca}) % %\begin{figure}[H] %\begin{center} %<>= %plot.pca(model, subnet.id, D) %@ %\end{center} %\caption{} %\label{fig:pca} %\end{figure} \section{Citing NetResponse} Please cite \cite{Lahti10bioinf} with the package. When using the ICMg algorithms, additionally cite \cite{Parkkinen10bmcsysbio}. \section{Version information} This document was written using: <
>= sessionInfo() @ %\bibliographystyle[numbers]{natbib} \begin{thebibliography}{1} \bibitem{Lahti10bioinf} Leo Lahti {\em et~al.} (2010). \newblock Global modeling of transcriptional responses in interaction networks. \newblock {\em Bioinformatics} 26(21):2713-20 \newblock Preprint available at: http://www.cis.hut.fi/lmlahti/publications/Lahti10bioinf-preprint.pdf \bibitem{Lahti10thesis} Leo Lahti (2010). \newblock Probabilistic analysis of the human transcriptome with side information. \newblock PhD thesis. TKK Dissertations in Information and Computer Science TKK-ICS-D19. Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Department of Information and Computer Science, Espoo, Finland, December 2010 \newblock http://lib.tkk.fi/Diss/2010/isbn9789526033686/ \bibitem{Honkela08} Antti Honkela {\em et~al.} (2008). \newblock Agglomerative independent variable group analysis. \newblock {\em Neurocomputing\/} 71, 1311--20. \bibitem{Kurihara07nips} Kenichi Kurihara {\em et~al.} (2007). \newblock Accelerated variational Dirichlet process mixtures. \newblock In B.~Sch\"olkopf, J.~Platt, and T.~Hoffman, eds., {\em Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19\/}, 761-8. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. \bibitem{Parkkinen10bmcsysbio} Parkkinen, J. and Kaski, S. \newblock Searching for functional gene modules with interaction component models. \newblock {\em BMC Systems Biology 4\/} (2010), 4. \end{thebibliography} %\bibliographystyle{abbrv} %\bibliography{my.bib} \end{document}