1.0.0 Object creation at user level changed so that GenoSet, BAFSet, and CNSet functions all call an internal input checker and object generator function initGenoSet rather than having GenoSet() create all 3 objects using a "type" arg. Segmentation functions now return DataFrame objects containing one Rle vector per sample. These give the same effect of having big matrices with repeated data matching the dimensions of the un-segmented data, but are considerably smaller. For a dataset of ~1k SNP6 arrays, the data in the lrr matrix is about 0.8% of the size using this strategy. In all regards, these can be treated as just another matrix in assayData, but in special cases it is useful to take advantage of the data in its runValue and runLength form. New methods defined for DataFrame to allow usage as assayData element: colMeans annotatedDataFrameFrom Methods that get genome information from a GenoSet now work on RangedData too. RangedData and GenoSet now share some API to make this easier. RangedData gets chr and pos, GenoSet gets names, ranges, and elementLengths. Now chrInfo, chrIndices, genoPos, etc. can work on either object type. pos and genoPos now defined as floor of mean of start and end positions. 1.0.6 Substantial speed improvements for boundingIndices() and rangeSampleMeans. 1.1.7 Added loadGC function to get local GC content and version bump for bioC2.9 1.1.8 genomeOrder becomes toGenomeOrder which now takes and returns a GenoSet or RangedData rather than just returning the index to reorder such objects. locData<- now reorders the whole GenoSet and assures that all of the featureNames match. 1.1.9 Added support for big.matrix objects from bigmemory as assayDataElements 1.1.10 ***API Change*** list operator "[[" no longer used to subset by chromosome. It reverts back to extracting a column from pData like other eSets. chrIndices gains a "chr" argument that serves as a fast way to get the indices needed to subset rows by chromosome. 1.1.11 ***API Addition*** "k" argument to "[" can be used to subset from a specific assayDataElement. Numeric and character "k"s are allowed. assayDataElement(ds,k)[i,j] is the same as ds[i,j,k], but "i" can be a RangedData or RangesList. 1.1.12 assayDataElements can be integer matrices with levels that will serve as factors for now. Please see the help for convertToBigMatrix. 1.4.9 *** API Changes *** segTable on a DataFrame of Rle now has a "stack" argument to rbind the resulting list of data.frames of per-sample segments into on giant data.frame. A "Sample" column will be added to separate samples. The list of individual data.frames no longer has an "ID" column. Also, some refactoring to speed up this method. 1.4.10 segTable for Rle now optionally takes chrIndices table, start and stop from locData for speed. segTable for DataFrame uses this trick. Much faster. About 95% time reduction for a large dataset on a large chip. 1.4.19 *Minor API change* Rarely used (by me) method, orderedChrs, gone. It's just chrOrder(chrNames(x)) anyway. 'names' on GenoSet depricated. chrNames gives universal way to get chromosome names (i.e. names, seqlevels) for GenoSet, RangedData, GRanges. 1.7.7 genoPlot supports fast zooming into a chromosome with the 'xlim' arg. Subsets before plotting, which is much faster. Bugfix for odd issues with ... args and genoPlot on an Rle. 1.7.8 *Minor API change* genoPlot now takes numeric or Rle data as "y" rather than an index into the assayDataElement named in "element". Backwards compatible with a warning about the old usage being deprecated. RangedData or GRanges also now valid as "x". 1.9.8 GRanges everywhere! GenoSet now supports GRanges in the locData slot. All functions that take RangedData now also take GRanges. I have unified the API for GRanges, RangedData, and GenoSet to the point that GenoSet classes and the functions in the package are agnostic to the type of range object. I have not, however, fixed the contentious issue of using the "$" operator with GRanges to access elementMetadata. 1.9.10 Subsetting by location now only with GRanges and RangedData. Dropped RangesList to avoid weird errors about the RangedDataOrRangesListOrGRanges class union. Apparently the RangedDataOrGRanges class union is fine. I think RangesLists are not used often anyway. 1.9.11 GenoSet creation and featureNames<- no longer do make.names. 1.9.12 GenoSet creation and sampleNames<- no longer do make.names. 1.10.1 BUGFIX! I introduced a nasty bug in the row subsetting method October 1 (I thought the release branching had already happened.) locData was subset correctly, but assayData was subset to the 1:nrow(locData(x)) rows. I have unit tests for this, but it looks like check.attributes=FALSE got me in trouble here. I fixed and updated the tests to catch this bug if it reoccurs.