\title{Create report of aligned peak intensities}
  Create a report showing all aligned peaks.
\item{object = "xcmsSet"}{
  \code{peakTable(object, filebase = character(), ...)}
  \item{object}{the \code{xcmsSet} object}
    base file name to save report, \code{.tsv} file and \code{_eic}
    will be appended to this name for the tabular report and EIC
    directory, respectively. if blank nothing will be saved
  \item{...}{arguments passed down to \code{\link{groupval}},
    which provides the actual intensities. }
  This method handles creation of summary reports similar to
  \code{\link{diffreport}}. It returns a summary report that can
  optionally be written out to a tab-separated file.

  If a base file name is provided, the report (see Value section)
  will be saved to a tab separated file. 

  A data frame with the following columns:
  \item{mz}{median m/z of peaks in the group}
  \item{mzmin}{minimum m/z of peaks in the group}
  \item{mzmax}{maximum m/z of peaks in the group}
  \item{rt}{median retention time of peaks in the group}
  \item{rtmin}{minimum retention time of peaks in the group}
  \item{rtmax}{maximum retention time of peaks in the group}
  \item{npeaks}{number of peaks assigned to the group}
  \item{Sample Classes}{
    number samples from each sample class represented in the group
  \item{...}{one column for every sample class}
  \item{Sample Names}{integrated intensity value for every sample}
  \item{...}{one column for every sample}
	cdfpath <- system.file("cdf", package = "faahKO")
	cdffiles <- list.files(cdfpath, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
	xs<-xcmsSet(cdf	files)
	peakTable(xs, filebase="peakList")