\name{trigger.net-methods} \alias{trigger.net} \alias{trigger.net,trigger-method} \title{Network-Trigger analysis} \description{ Network-Trigger analysis estimates the joint posterior probability of causal regulation for each pair of genes in the genome. These probabilities can further be used to construct a gene regulatory network. } \usage{ \S4method{trigger.net}{trigger}(triggerobj, gender = NULL, idx = NULL, Bsec = 100, prob.cut = 0.7, include.loc = TRUE, seed = 123, inputfile = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{triggerobj}{An object of class \code{\linkS4class{trigger}} containing slot \code{loc.obj} with local-linkage probabilities and marker indices of the best local-linkage markers for genes in the genome. See \code{\linkS4class{trigger}} and \code{\link{trigger.loclink}} for details.} \item{gender}{Optional. When computing statistics involving markers on sex chromosome, \code{gender} of each sample should be specified.} \item{idx}{Optional. One can specify the indices of selected genes as putative regulators. By default, all the genes will be selected as putative regulators.} \item{Bsec}{Number of iterations to perform when estimating null statistics for secondary-linkage and conditional independence.} \item{prob.cut}{Probability threshold. The joint regulatory probabilities of a regulator to all the other genes will be set to zero if the local-linkage probability of the regulator is below the threshold; default \code{prob.cut = 0.7}.} \item{include.loc}{Logical. If \code{TRUE}, the estimated posterior probability of regulation is more conservative.} \item{seed}{Optional. A numeric seed for reproducible results. } \item{inputfile}{Optional. If provided, reads in the probability matrix from working directory.} } \details{ The option \code{idx} contains the indices of putative regulator genes. When the data set is large, one can use this option by selecting a subset of genes as putative regulators in one computation and parallel-computes the genome-wide regulatory probability. If \code{idx=NULL}, all the genes will be computed for probability of regulation to other genes in the data. If \code{include.loc = TRUE}, the joint posterior probability of regulation is the product of local-linkage, secondary-linkage and conditional independence. Otherwise, it is the product of secondary-linkage and conditional independence. The local-linkage is not a necessary condition for calculating regulation probability. If the probability of local-linkage is considered, the joint probability of regulation is more conservative. See references for details. } \value{A matrix of genome-wide regulatory probabilities with putative regulators in rows and regulated genes in columns. Note that the matrix is not symmetric. If gene i is estimated to be causal for gene j with high probability, the reverse is not true. } \references{ Chen L.S., Emmert-Streib F., and Storey J.D. (2007) Harnessing naturally randomized transcription to infer regulatory relationships among genes. \emph{Genome Biology}, \bold{8:} R219. } \author{ Lin S. Chen \email{lschen.stat@gmail.com}, Dipen P. Sangurdekar \email{dps@genomics.princeton.edu} and John D. Storey \email{jstorey@princeton.edu} } \seealso{\code{\link{trigger.loclink}}, \code{\link{trigger.netPlot2ps}} and \code{\link{trigger.trait}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ data(yeast) attach(yeast) triggerobj <- trigger.build(marker = marker, exp = exp, marker.pos = marker.pos, exp.pos = exp.pos) triggerobj <- nettrig.loc(triggerobj, window.size = 30000) trig.prob <- trigger.net(triggerobj, Bsec = 100) netPlot2ps(trig.prob) detach(yeast) } } \keyword{Methods}