\name{trigger.mlink-methods} \alias{trigger.mlink} \alias{trigger.mlink,trigger-method} \alias{Multiple-locus linkage} \title{Multi-Locus Linkage (Epistasis) Analysis} \description{ Multi-locus linkage (epistasis) analysis. } \usage{ \S4method{trigger.mlink}{trigger}(triggerobj, prob.cut = 0.9, gender = NULL, idx = NULL, B = 5, seed = 123) } \arguments{ \item{triggerobj}{An object of class \code{\linkS4class{trigger}}.} \item{prob.cut}{Probability threshold for primary linkage.} \item{gender}{Optional. When computing linkage statistics involving markers on sex chromosome, \code{gender} of each sample should be specified.} \item{idx}{The indices for genes to be computed for multi-locus linkage.} \item{B}{The number of null iterations to perform.} \item{seed}{Optional. A numeric seed for reproducible results.} } \details{ When data set is large, one can the option \code{idx} to select a subset of genes in each computation and parallel-computes the genome-wide multi-locus linkage. Since the function computes the linkage probability by borrowing information across genes, at least more than 100 genes should be selected in applying this function. If \code{idx=NULL}, all the genes in the input data will be computed for multi-locus linkage. The current version of the function could only compute two-locus joint linkage (epistasis). } \value{ An updated object of class \code{\linkS4class{trigger}} containing a slot \code{trigger.mlink} with fields: \item{qtl}{The major and secondary QTLs for each selected gene.} \item{prob}{The posterior probability of linkage for major QTL, secondary QTL, and the joint posterior probability of multi-locus linkage.} \item{qvalue}{Q-value estimates for joint multi-locus linkage probabilities.} Use \code{slot(triggerobj, "mlink")} to retrieve the list. } \author{ Lin S. Chen \email{lschen.stat@gmail.com}, Dipen P. Sangurdekar \email{dps@genomics.princeton.edu} and John D. Storey \email{jstorey@princeton.edu} } \references{ Brem R.B., Storey J.D., Whittle J., and Kruglyak L. (2005) Genetic interactions between polymorphisms that affect gene expression in yeast. \emph{Nature}, \bold{436(7051):} 701--703. Storey J.D., Akey J.M., and Kruglyak L. (2005) Multiple locus linkage analysis of genomewide expression in yeast. \emph{PLoS Biology}, \bold{3(8)}: 1380--1390. } \seealso{ \code{\link{trigger.link} and \link{plot}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(yeast) attach(yeast) triggerobj <- trigger.build(marker = marker,exp = exp, marker.pos = marker.pos, exp.pos = exp.pos) ## Genome-wide multiple locus linkage analysis triggerobj <- trigger.mlink(triggerobj, B = 10, idx = NULL, seed = 123) plot(triggerobj, type = "trigger.mlink", qcut=0.1, bin.size=NULL) mlink = slot(triggerobj, "trigger.mlink") detach(yeast) } } \keyword{Methods}