\name{plot} \alias{plot} \alias{plot,trigger-method} \title{Graphical Display of Trigger Analysis} \description{ Graphical display of genomewide linkage map, multi-locus linkage or eQTL variation } \usage{ \S4method{plot}{trigger}(x,type = c("link", "mlink", "eqtl"), cutoff = 3.3e-4, qcut = 0.1, bin.size = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{x}{triggerobj}{An object of class \code{\linkS4class{trigger}}.} \item{type}{An argument describing the type of plot. Select from \code{link} (default) for genome-wide linkage map, \code{eqtl.R2} for graphical display of eQTL-R^2 contribution or \code{mlink} for display of genome-wide epistasis effect.} \item{cutoff}{Threshold value for \code{link}. The measures below the threshold are called significant and are plotted. } \item{qcut}{Q-value threshold for \code{mlink}. The joint multi-locus linkage probabilities with q-values below the threshold are called significant and are plotted. } \item{bin.size}{Optional for \code{mlink}. If not \code{NULL}, each chromosome will be divided into several bins, each with size \code{bin.size}. Markers within a bin will be considered as at a same position. } } \author{ Lin S. Chen \email{lschen.stat@gmail.com}, Dipen P. Sangurdekar \email{dps@genomics.princeton.edu} and John D. Storey \email{jstorey@princeton.edu} } \seealso{ \code{\link{trigger.link}}, \code{\link{trigger.mlink}} and \code{\link{trigger.eigenR2}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(yeast) attach(yeast) triggerobj <- trigger.build(marker=marker, exp=exp, marker.pos=marker.pos, exp.pos=exp.pos) triggerobj <- trigger.link(triggerobj, gender=NULL, norm=TRUE) plot(triggerobj,type = "link", cutoff=1e-5) triggerobj <- trigger.eigenR2(triggerobj, adjust=FALSE) plot(triggerobj, type = "eigenR2") triggerobj<- trigger.mlink(triggerobj, B=5, seed=123) plot(triggerobj, qcut=0.1, bin.size=NULL) detach(yeast) } } \keyword{Methods}