\name{snp.lhs.tests} \alias{snp.lhs.tests} \title{Score tests with SNP genotypes as dependent variable} \description{ Under the assumption of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, a SNP genotype is a binomial variate with two trials for an autosomal SNP or with one or two trials (depending on sex) for a SNP on the X chromosome. With each SNP in an input \code{"SnpMatrix"} as dependent variable, this function first fits a "base" logistic regression model and then carries out a score test for the addition of further term(s). The Hardy-Weinberg assumption can be relaxed by use of a "robust" option. } \usage{ snp.lhs.tests(snp.data, base.formula, add.formula, subset, snp.subset, data = sys.parent(), robust = FALSE, uncertain = FALSE, control=glm.test.control(), score=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{snp.data}{The SNP data, as an object of class \code{"SnpMatrix"} or \code{"XSnpMatrix"} } \item{base.formula}{A \code{formula} object describing the base model, with dependent variable omitted } \item{add.formula}{A \code{formula} object describing the additional terms to be tested, also with dependent variable omitted} \item{subset}{An array describing the subset of observations to be considered} \item{snp.subset}{An array describing the subset of SNPs to be considered. Default action is to test all SNPs.} \item{data}{The data frame in which \code{base.formula}, \code{add.formula} and \code{subset} are to be evaluated} \item{robust}{If \code{TRUE}, a test which does not assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium will be used } \item{uncertain}{If \code{TRUE}, uncertain genotypes are used and scored by their posterior expectations. Otherwise they are treated as missing. If set, this option forces \code{robust} variance estimates} \item{control}{An object giving parameters for the IRLS algorithm fitting of the base model and for the acceptable aliasing amongst new terms to be tested. See \code{\link{glm.test.control}}} \item{score}{Is extended score information to be returned?} } \details{ The tests used are asymptotic chi-squared tests based on the vector of first and second derivatives of the log-likelihood with respect to the parameters of the additional model. The "robust" form is a generalized score test in the sense discussed by Boos(1992). If a \code{data} argument is supplied, the \code{snp.data} and \code{data} objects are aligned by rowname. Otherwise all variables in the model formulae are assumed to be stored in the same order as the columns of the \code{snp.data} object. } \value{ An object of class \code{\link[=GlmTests-class]{snp.tests.glm}} or \code{\link[=GlmTestsScore-class]{GlmTests.score}} depending on whether \code{score} is set to \code{FALSE} or \code{TRUE} in the call. } \references{Boos, Dennis D. (1992) On generalized score tests. \emph{The American Statistician}, \strong{46}:327-333.} \author{David Clayton \email{david.clayton@cimr.cam.ac.uk}} \note{ A factor (or several factors) may be included as arguments to the function \code{strata(...)} in the \code{base.formula}. This fits all interactions of the factors so included, but leads to faster computation than fitting these in the normal way. Additionally, a \code{cluster(...)} call may be included in the base model formula. This identifies clusters of potentially correlated observations (e.g. for members of the same family); in this case, an appropriate robust estimate of the variance of the score test is used. No more than one \code{strata()} call may be used, and neither \code{strata(...)} or \code{cluster(...)} calls may appear in the \code{add.formula}. A known bug is that the function fails when no \code{data} argument is supplied and the base model formula contains no variables (\code{~1}). A work-round is to create a data frame to hold the variables in the models and pass this as \code{data=}. } \seealso{\code{\link{GlmTests-class}}, \code{\link{GlmTestsScore-class}}, \code{\link{glm.test.control}},\code{\link{snp.rhs.tests}} \code{\link{single.snp.tests}}, \code{\link{SnpMatrix-class}}, \code{\link{XSnpMatrix-class}}} \examples{ data(testdata) snp.lhs.tests(Autosomes[,1:10], ~cc, ~region, data=subject.data) snp.lhs.tests(Autosomes[,1:10], ~strata(region), ~cc, data=subject.data) } \keyword{htest}