\name{sm.compare} \alias{sm.compare} \title{ Compare two SnpMatrix objects } \description{ For quality control purposes, it is sometimes necessary to compare genotype data derived from different sources. This function facilitates this. } \usage{ sm.compare(obj1, obj2, row.wise = TRUE, col.wise = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{obj1}{ The first of the two \code{SnpMatrix} objects to be compared } \item{obj2}{ The second \code{SnpMatrix} object } \item{row.wise}{ Calculate comparison statistics aggregated in a row-wise manner } \item{col.wise}{ Calculate column-wise comparison statistics } } \details{ Initially row and column names of the two objects are compared to identify subsets of subjects and SNPs which they have in common. Then, every instance of a SNP genotype in the two objects are compared and agreements and disagreements counted by row and/or by column. } \value{ If only one of the row-wise and column-wise summaries are to be calculated, the return value is a matrix with rows defined by subjects or SNPs and columns giving counts of: \item{Agree}{Agreements (all)} \item{Disagree}{Disgreements (all)} \item{NA.agree}{Genotype coded \code{NA} in both objects} \item{NA.disagree}{Genotype coded \code{NA} in only one object} \item{Hom.agree}{Objects agree and genotype is homozygous} \item{Hom.switch}{Genotype coded as homozygous in both objects, but alleles switched} \item{Het.agree}{Genotype coded as heterozygous in both objects} \item{Het.Hom}{Genotype coded as heterozygous in one object and homozygous in the other} If both row-wise and column-wise summaries are computed (the default behaviour) , the function returns a list containing two matrices of the form described above. These are named \code{row.wise} and \code{col.wise} } \author{ David Clayton \email{david.clayton@cimr.cam.ac.uk} } \note{ No special provision is yet made for objects of class \code{XSnpMatrix}, in which haploid calls are coded as homozygous. } \seealso{ \code{\link{SnpMatrix-class}}, \code{\link{XSnpMatrix-class}} } \examples{ ## ## No example yet available ## } \keyword{utilities}