\name{getViewpoint} \alias{getViewpoint} \alias{getViewpoint,r3Cseq-method} \title{get the viewpoint of 3C-seq data} \description{ The viewpoint is the region of interest, which can be a promoter region of an interested gene, an enhancer, and a transcrition factor binding region. The genomic region, which show the highest number of reads per restriction fragment, represents the viewpoint. } \usage{ getViewpoint(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ r3Cseq object, the object is the container of interaction regions produced by \code{\link{getInteractions}} function. } } \value{ The viewpoint shows in the IRanges } \seealso{ \link{getCoverage}, \link{getReadCountPerRestrictionFragment}, \link{calculateRPM} } \author{ S. Thongjuea } \examples{ ####Create the r3Cseq object############# library(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9) load(system.file("data","example.data.rda",package="r3Cseq")) calculateRPM(my.data) viewpoint<-getViewpoint(my.data) viewpoint } %\keyword{viewpoint}