\name{export3Cseq2bedGraph} \alias{export3Cseq2bedGraph} \alias{export3Cseq2bedGraph,r3Cseq-method} \title{export interaction regions to the 'bedGraph' format} \description{ export interaction regions from RagedData to the bedGraph format, which suitable for uploading to the UCSC genome browser } \usage{ export3Cseq2bedGraph(object,datatype=c("rpm","raw_read")) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ r3Cseq object, The object might contain the interaction regions generated by function \link{getInteractions} } \item{datatype}{ raw_read : read count per restriction fragment rpm : read per million per restriction fragment } } \value{ The text file in 'bedGraph' format } \seealso{ \link{getInteractions} } \author{ S. Thongjuea } \examples{ ####Create the r3Cseq object############# library(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9) load(system.file("data","example.data.rda",package="r3Cseq")) calculateRPM(my.data) getInteractions(my.data) export3Cseq2bedGraph(my.data,datatype="rpm") } %\keyword{}