\name{expCoverage} \alias{expCoverage} \alias{expCoverage,r3Cseq-method} \title{Get the coverage for 3C-seq data from the experiment} \description{ Counts the number of times a position is represented in a set of input reads from 3C-seq data in the experiment } \usage{ expCoverage(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ r3Cseq object, The initialize input parameters are required } } \value{ For most methods, an \link{Rle} object representing the coverage of \code{x}. For \link{RangesList} and \link{RangedData} objects, a \link{SimpleRleList} object representing a list of coverage vectors. An integer value called the "coverage" can be associated to each position in \code{x}, indicating how many times this position is covered by the elements contained in \code{x}. For example, if \code{x} is a \link{Views} object, the coverage of a given position in \code{subject(x)} is the number of views it belongs to. } \seealso{ \link{IRanges-class}, \link{Views-class}, \link{Rle-class}, \link{MaskCollection-class} } \author{ S. Thongjuea } \examples{ ####Create the r3Cseq object############# library(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9) load(system.file("data","example.data.rda",package="r3Cseq")) exp.coverage<-expCoverage(my.data) } %\keyword{coverage manipulation}