\name{tipglom.internal} \alias{tipglom.internal} \title{Internal function for tiplgom.} \usage{ tipglom.internal(tree, speciationMinLength) } \arguments{ \item{tree}{An object of class \code{phylo}, or \code{phyloseq}} \item{speciationMinLength}{The minimum branch length that separates taxa. All tips of the tree separated by a cophenetic distance smaller than \code{speciationMinLength} will be agglomerated.} } \value{ An object of class \code{phylo}, or \code{phyloseq}. Output class matches the class of \code{tree}. } \description{ Internal function, users should use the S4 method \code{\link{tipglom}}. Tree can be a \code{\link{phyloseq-class}} that contains a phylogenetic tree, This is because \code{\link{merge_species}} can handle all the relevant objects, as can \code{\link{getTipDistMatrix}}. Create Non-trivial OTU table, by agglomerating nearby tips. tipglom.internal is called by the S4 \code{tipglom} methods. It is useful if a motivated user wants to see the internals of the implementation. By design it lacks explicit object handling. Use \code{\link{tipglom}} instead. } \seealso{ tipglom } \keyword{internal}