\name{reconcile_samples} \alias{reconcile_samples} \title{Keep only sample-indices common to all components.} \usage{ reconcile_samples(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An instance of phyloseq-class that contains 2 or more component data tables that in-turn describe samples.} } \value{ A trimmed version of the argument, \code{x}, in which each component describes exactly the same set of samples. Class of \code{x} should be unchanged. } \description{ This function is used internally as part of the infrastructure to ensure that component data types in a phyloseq-object describe exactly the same samples. In expected cases, a user will not need to invoke this function, because phyloseq objects are reconciled during instantiation by default. } \examples{ # ## data(GlobalPatterns) ## reconcile_samples(GlobalPatterns) } \seealso{ \code{\link{reconcile_species}} } \keyword{internal}