\name{import_env_file} \alias{import_env_file} \title{Read a UniFrac-formatted ENV file.} \usage{ import_env_file(envfilename, tree=NULL, sep="\t", ...) } \arguments{ \item{envfilename}{(Required). A charater string of the ENV filename (relative or absolute)} \item{tree}{(Optional). \code{\link{phylo-class}} object to be paired with the output otuTable.} \item{sep}{A character string indicating the delimiter used in the file. The default is \code{"\t"}.} \item{...}{Additional parameters passed on to \code{\link{read.table}}.} } \value{ An \code{\link{otuTable-class}}, or \code{\link{phyloseq-class}} if a \code{\link{phylo-class}} argument is provided to \code{tree}. } \description{ Convenience wrapper function to read the environment-file, as formatted for input to the UniFrac server (\url{http://bmf2.colorado.edu/unifrac/}). The official format of these files is that each row specifies (in order) the sequence name, source sample, and (optionally) the number of times the sequence was observed. } \examples{ # import_env_file(myEnvFile, myTree) } \references{ \url{http://bmf2.colorado.edu/unifrac/} } \seealso{ \code{\link{import}}, \code{\link{tipglom}} }