\name{JSD} \alias{JSD} \title{Calculate the Jensen-Shannon Divergence (distance)} \usage{ JSD(physeq, parallel=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{physeq}{(Required). \code{\link{phyloseq-class}}. The phyloseq data on which to compute the pairwise sample distance matrix.} \item{parallel}{(Optional). Logical. Default \code{FALSE}. Should the calculation be run using parallel processors? Note that this only actually runs in parallel if you have registered a parallel ``backend'' prior to calling this function. Further details are provided in the documentation for \code{\link{UniFrac}}.} } \value{ An object of class ``\code{\link{dist}}'' suitable for certain ordination methods and other distance-based analyses. See \code{\link{distance}}. } \description{ This is a phyloseq-specific implementation of the Jensen-Shannon Divergence for comparing pairs of microbial communities (samples) in an experiment. The expectation is that you have many samples (say. more than two) and you want a distance matrix on which will perform further analysis. \code{JSD} is intended to be ``wrapped'' by the more general \code{\link{distance}} function in phyloseq, and it can be invoked using \code{"jsd"} as the argument to the \code{method} parameter of \code{\link{distance}}. } \details{ One of the motivations for providing JSD in phyloseq was its recent use in the analysis of the \code{\link{enterotype}} dataset. } \examples{ # library(doParallel) # Do this and next line only if you have multi-cores # registerDoParallel(cores=6) # data(enterotype) # # ent.jsd <- JSD(enterotype, TRUE) # internal only # ent.jsd <- distance(enterotype, "jsd", parallel=TRUE) # ent.PCoA <- ordinate(enterotype, "PCoA", ent.jsd) # Perform principle coordinate analysis # p <- plot_ordination(enterotype, ent.PCoA, color="Enterotype", shape="SeqTech") # (p <- p + geom_point(size=5, alpha=0.5)) } \author{ Susan Holmes \email{susan@stat.stanford.edu}. Adapted for phyloseq by Paul J. McMurdie. } \references{ Jensen-Shannon Divergence and Hilbert space embedding. Bent Fuglede and Flemming Topsoe University of Copenhagen, Department of Mathematics \url{http://www.math.ku.dk/~topsoe/ISIT2004JSD.pdf} } \seealso{ \code{\link{distance}} \code{\link{enterotype}} \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jensen-Shannon_divergence} } \keyword{internal}