\name{getEsPositions} \alias{getEsPositions} \title{ Obtain chromosome positions for each gene. } \description{ Given an object of class epheno obtain the gene positions on the genome. } \usage{ getEsPositions(epheno, phenoName, organism = "human", logEs = T, center = FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{epheno}{ An object of class \code{epheno} usually obtained with \code{ExpressionPhenoTest} } \item{phenoName}{ The phenotype that we want to use. Has to be in \code{phenoNames(epheno)} } \item{organism}{ Has to be 'human' or 'mouse'. The default is 'human'. } \item{logEs}{ If the values have to be log scaled. } \item{center}{ If the values have to be genome centered. If TRUE the genome average will be substracted to every value. } } \details{ The output will usually be passed to findCopyNumber. } \value{ An object of class \code{data.frame} will be returned containing 3 variables: es (enichment score for fold change or hazard ratio), chr (chromosome), pos (position in Mb). epheno's featureNames will be used as row names. } \author{ Evarist Planet } \examples{ data(epheno) phenoNames(epheno) mypos <- getEsPositions(epheno,'Relapse') head(mypos) } \keyword{ ~kwd1 }