\name{genesInArea} \alias{genesInArea} \title{ Find genes that are in given areas. } \description{ Combine the output of getEsPositions and findCopyNumber to see which genes are in the enriched areas. Given areas of enrichment (obtained with \code{findCopyNumber}) and a set of genes or probes and their positions in the genome (obtained with \code{getEsPositions}) the function tells which genes fall in each area. } \usage{ genesInArea(x, regions) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object of class \code{data.frame} with gene or probe identifiers as row names and the following columns: es (the enrichment score), chr (the chromosome where the gene or probe belong to) and pos (position in the chromosome in megabases). It can be obtained with the function \code{getEsPositions}. } \item{regions}{ This is usually the output of \code{findCopyNumber} function. } } \author{ Evarist Planet } \seealso{ getEsPositions, findCopyNumber } \examples{ data(epheno) phenoNames(epheno) mypos <- getEsPositions(epheno,'Relapse') head(mypos) #regions <- findCopyNumber(mypos) #head(regions) #genes <- genesInArea(mypos,regions) #head(genes) } \keyword{ ~kwd1 }