\name{read.450k.exp} \alias{read.450k.exp} \title{ Reads an entire 450k experiment using a sample sheet } \description{ Reads an entire 450k experiment using a sample sheet or (optionally) a target like data.frame. } \usage{ read.450k.exp(base, targets = NULL, extended = FALSE, recursive = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{base}{The base directory.} \item{targets}{A targets \code{data.frame}, see details} \item{extended}{Should the output of the function be a \code{"RGChannelSetExtended"} (default is \code{"RGChannelSet"}).} \item{recursive}{Should the search be recursive (see details)} \item{verbose}{Should the function be verbose?} } \details{ If the \code{targets} argument is \code{NULL}, the function finds all two-color IDAT files in the directory given by \code{base}. If \code{recursive} is \code{TRUE}, the function searches \code{base} and all subdirectories. A two-color IDAT files are pair of files with names ending in \code{_Red.idat} or \code{_Grn.idat}. If the \code{targets} argument is not \code{NULL} it is assumed it has a columned named \code{Basename}, and this is assumed to be pointing to the base name of a two color IDAT file, ie. a name that can be made into a real IDAT file by appending either \code{_Red.idat} or \code{_Grn.idat}. } \value{ An object of class \code{"RGChannelSet"} or \code{"RGChannelSetExtended"}. } \author{ Kasper Daniel Hansen \email{khansen@jhsph.edu}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{read.450k}} for the workhorse function, \code{\link{read.450k.sheet}} for reading a sample sheet and \code{\linkS4class{RGChannelSet}} for the output class. } \examples{ if(require(minfiData)) { baseDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "minfiData") RGset <- read.450k.exp(file.path(baseDir, "5723646052")) } }