\name{IlluminaMethylationAnnotation-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{IlluminaMethylationAnnotation-class} \alias{show,IlluminaMethylationAnnotation-method} \title{Class \code{"IlluminaMethylationAnnotation"}} \description{ This is a class for representing annotation associated with an Illumina methylation microarray. Annotation is transient in the sense that it may change over time, wheres the information stored in the \code{"IlluminaMethylationManifest"} class only depends on the array design. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("IlluminaMethylationAnnotation", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{data}:}{This environment holds the annotation objects. See details.} \item{\code{annotation}:}{A character vector giving the annotation name.} } } \section{Details}{ The \code{data} slot contains various objects that are of type \code{data.frame}. Details are still subject to change. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{show}:}{The show method.} } } \author{ Kasper Daniel Hansen \email{khansen@jhsph.edu}. } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{IlluminaMethylationManifest}} } \keyword{classes}