\name{poe.em} \alias{poe.em} \title{Probability of Expression from mixture distribution for multiple genes. } \description{ This function applies fit.em function to all rows of a gene expression data matrix. } \usage{ poe.em(mat, cl, threshold=1e-05, every = 100) } \arguments{ \item{mat}{Gene expression data matrix } \item{cl}{A vector of 0s and 1s. Use 1 for normal phenotype and 0 for non-normal phenotype. If all samples are of unknown phenotype, give vectors of 0. This is identical to the poe.mcmc function. } \item{threshold}{Criterion of convergence in likelihood } \item{every}{Progress of estimation is reported at every integer mode of the value 'every' } } \value{ A data matrix of transformed expression will result. } \author{Debashis Ghosh , Hyungwon Choi } \examples{} \keyword{internal}