\name{pmg-dynamic} \alias{dLatticeExplorer} \title{"Dynamic" widgets for pmg} \description{ We call a widget "dynamic" if it updates itself immediately when an event occurs, such as a drag and drop, or a change in some value. The dynamic widgets documented here, are meant to provide quick, easy (but limited) access to R's modeling functions, R's significance tests, and R's lattice functions } \usage{ dLatticeExplorer(container = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{container}{A container to attach the object to} \item{\dots}{Currently ignored} } \details{ For each "dynamic" widget, the variables can be specified by drag and drop, or by editing the widget. The bold-face areas of each widget can be edited by clicking on them or by dropping values. If the drop value comes from a column of an \code{idf} instance, then when that column is edited, the dynamic widget is updated. Such variables can not be edited or changed. Other variables may, such as writing powers, or applying functions. The "dynamic" widgets are meant for easy exploration, but not for saving of actions. The \code{ilatticeexplorer} function creates a dynamic graphing widget based on \code{lattice} graphics. Up to three variables (only 2 for univariate graphs) may be dropped on the widget. The order is for univariate graphs: \code{~x} then \code{~x | y}. And for bivariate graphs \code{x}, \code{x ~ y}, \code{x ~ y | z}. The panel functions add to the plots of dots by, typically, incorporating some trend line. } \value{ Although there are methods for \code{dModelsDialog}, these widgets aren't meant to be interacted with from the command line. } \author{John Verzani} \note{ Some of the usability was inspired by the Fathom software. } \examples{ \dontrun{ dLatticeExplorer() } } \keyword{interface }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS