\name{seastar2counts} \alias{seastar2counts} \title{Convert seastar output to count data} \description{ This function performs a simple merge between two different SEAStAR tables. } \usage{ seastar2counts(treat.paths, id.prefix=NA, all=TRUE, uniques=0, ...) } \arguments{ \item{treat.paths}{a named vector of strings of paths to 2 seastar tabular files.} \item{id.prefix}{prefix to use when naming the rownames of the merged table} \item{all}{used in the same way as the underlying merge function's all parameter.} \item{uniques}{determines the replacement value for genes which are unique to the opposite library.} \item{...}{additional paramters passed on to readSeastar} } \value{ a named count matrix or vector } \seealso{ nerge, merge } \examples{ conditions <- c('ambient','plusFe') ss.names <- caroline::nv(paste('Pgranii-',conditions,'.seastar', sep=''), conditions) ss.paths <- caroline::nv(system.file("extdata",ss.names, package="manta"), conditions) dfm <- seastar2counts(ss.paths) }