\name{readSeastar} \alias{readSeastar} \title{Read SEAStAR output format} \description{ This function reads Vaughn Iverson's SEAStAR tabular format output and appends headers to it. } \usage{ readSeastar(path, clmn.names=c('seq_id','bit_score','read_count','raw_abundance','fractional_abundance','mean_coverage','mean_read_length','seq_len','gc_percent','ref_seq_name','ref_seq_desc'), clmn.class = c("character", rep("numeric", 6), "integer", "numeric", rep("character", 2)), name.clmn='seq_id', ret.df=FALSE, ret.clmn='read_count', ct.calc=expression(raw_abundance*seq_len), header = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{path}{Path to the seastar file} \item{clmn.names}{The feild names for the absent header column} \item{clmn.class}{The class types for each of the columns} \item{name.clmn}{the seastar column to be used to name the rows of the dataframe} \item{ret.df}{Return the entire dataframe rather than just the calculated count column} \item{ret.clmn}{If ret.df is FALSE, return just this column as a vector. Can be 'count' as calculated by 'ct.calc'} \item{ct.calc}{the equation to use to calculate the counts} \item{header}{If the seastar tables have headers} \item{...}{Additional parameters passed on to read.delim} } \value{ a SEAStAR formated matrix of per-reference/contig/gene stats (including counts) } \seealso{ seastar2counts } \examples{ conditions <- c('ambient','plusFe') ss.names <- caroline::nv(paste('Pgranii-',conditions,'.seastar', sep=''), conditions) ss.paths <- system.file("extdata",ss.names, package="manta") df <- readSeastar(ss.paths[1]) }