\name{mzImport} \alias{mzImport} \title{ Data entry of iontree into mz table } \description{ import iontree object into table "mz" in the database } \usage{ mzImport(iontree, dbname = "mzDB.db", exp.id) } \arguments{ \item{iontree}{\code{iontree} as defined in this package} \item{dbname}{database name} \item{exp.id}{id in table of experiment} } \details{ } \value{ } \references{ } \author{ Mingshu Cao } \note{ see vignette for an example of batch loading } \seealso{ %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ } \examples{ #to check information just loaded #db=dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname="mzDB.db") #dbListTables(db) #q1=dbSendQuery(db, "SELECT mz, rt, ms2 FROM mz") #fetch(q1, n=-1) #dbClearResult(q1) #dbDisconnect(db) } \keyword{ utilities }