\name{kCoresHypergraph} \alias{kCoresHypergraph} \title{Find all the k-cores in a hypergraph} \description{Find all the k-cores in a hypergraph } \usage{ kCoresHypergraph(hg) } \arguments{ \item{hg}{an instance of the \code{Hypergraph} class } } \details{ A k-core in a hypergraph is a maximal subhypergraph where (a) no hyperedge is contained in another, and (b) each node is adjacent to at least \code{k} hyperedges in the subgraph. The implementation is based on the algorithm by E. Ramadan, A. Tarafdar, A. Pothen, 2004. } \value{ A vector of the core numbers for all the nodes in \code{g}. } \references{ A hypergraph model for the yeast protein complex network, Ramadan, E. Tarafdar, A. Pothen, A., Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2004. Proceedings. 18th International. } \author{Li Long