\name{runCBS} \alias{runCBS} \title{Run CBS Segmentation} \usage{ runCBS(data, locs, return.segs = FALSE, n.cores = 1, smooth.region = 2, outlier.SD.scale = 4, smooth.SD.scale = 2, trim = 0.025, alpha = 0.001) } \arguments{ \item{data}{numeric matrix with continuous data in one or more columns} \item{locs}{RangeData, like locData slot of GenoSet} \item{return.segs}{logical, if true list of segment data.frames return, otherwise a DataFrame of Rle vectors. One Rle per sample.} \item{n.cores}{numeric, number of cores to ask mclapply to use} \item{smooth.region}{number of positions to left and right of individual positions to consider when smoothing single point outliers} \item{outlier.SD.scale}{number of SD single points must exceed smooth.region to be considered an outlier} \item{smooth.SD.scale}{floor used to reset single point outliers} \item{trim}{fraction of sample to smooth} \item{alpha}{pvalue cutoff for calling a breakpoint} } \value{ data frame of segments from CBS } \description{ Utility function to run CBS's three functions on one or more samples } \details{ Takes care of running CBS segmentation on one or more samples. Makes appropriate input, smooths outliers, and segment } \examples{ sample.names = paste("a",1:2,sep="") probe.names = paste("p",1:30,sep="") ds = matrix(c(c(rep(5,20),rep(3,10)),c(rep(2,10),rep(7,10),rep(9,10))),ncol=2,dimnames=list(probe.names,sample.names)) locs = RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=c(1:20,1:10),width=1,names=probe.names),space=paste("chr",c(rep(1,20),rep(2,10)),sep="")) seg.rle.result = DataFrame( a1 = Rle(c(rep(5,20),rep(3,10))), a2 = Rle(c(rep(2,10),rep(7,10),rep(9,10))), row.names=probe.names ) seg.list.result = list( a1 = data.frame( ID=rep("a1",2), chrom=factor(c("chr1","chr2")), loc.start=c(1,1), loc.end=c(20,10), num.mark=c(20,10), seg.mean=c(5,3), stringsAsFactors=FALSE), a2 = data.frame( ID=rep("a2",3), chrom=factor(c("chr1","chr1","chr2")), loc.start=c(1,11,1), loc.end=c(10,20,10), num.mark=c(10,10,10), seg.mean=c(2,7,9), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ) runCBS(ds,locs) # Should give seg.rle.result runCBS(ds,locs,return.segs=TRUE) # Should give seg.list.result } \author{ Peter M. Haverty } \seealso{ Other "segmented data": \code{\link{segs2RangedData}}, \code{\link{segs2Rle}}, \code{\link{segs2RleDataFrame}}, \code{\link{segTable}}, \code{\link{segTable}}, \code{\link{segTable}} }