\docType{methods} \name{loadGC} \alias{loadGC} \alias{loadGC,GenoSet,numeric,BSgenome-method} \alias{loadGC,RangedData,numeric,BSgenome-method} \title{Load local GC percentage around features} \arguments{ \item{object}{A GenoSet object or derivative} \item{expand}{numeric, expand each feature location by this many bases on each side} \item{bsgenome,}{sequence db object from BSgenome (e.g. Hsapiens)} } \value{ An updated object, with GC percentage information added to the locData slot. } \description{ Local GC content can be used to remove GC artifacts from copynumber data see Diskin, 2008). GC% column will be added to the feature data. The dataset may be truncated to remove positions without GC information. GC data are accessible with locData(). Uses a cool BSgenome trick from Michael Lawrence. This takes 5.6 hours for 2Mb windows on 2.5M probes, so look for some custom C in future releases. } \author{ Peter M. Haverty } \seealso{ Other "gc content": \code{\link{gcCorrect}} }