\docType{methods} \name{genoPlot} \alias{genoPlot} \alias{genoPlot,BAFSet,ANY-method} \alias{genoPlot,CNSet,ANY-method} \alias{genoPlot,GenoSet,ANY-method} \alias{genoPlot,numeric,numeric-method} \alias{genoPlot,numeric,Rle-method} \title{Plot data along the genome} \arguments{ \item{sample}{A index or sampleName to plot} \item{element}{character, name of element in assayData to plot} \item{x}{GenoSet (or descendant) or numeric with chromosome or genome positions} \item{y}{numeric or Rle, values to be used for y-dimension, run start and stop indices or numeric with all values mapped to values in x for x-dimension or index of sample to be plotted if x is a GenoSet.} \item{element}{character, when x is a GenoSet, the name of the assayDataElement to plot from.} \item{locs}{RangedData, like locData slot of GenoSet} \item{chr}{Chromosome to plot, NULL by default for full genome} \item{add}{Add plot to existing plot} \item{xlab}{character, label for x-axis of plot} \item{ylab}{character, label for y-axis of plot} \item{col}{character, color to plot lines or points} \item{lwd}{numeric, line width for segment plots from an Rle} \item{pch}{character or numeric, printing charactater, see points} \item{...}{Additional plotting args} } \value{ nothing } \description{ For a GenoSet object, data for a specified sample in a specified assayDataElement can be plotted along the genome. One chromosome can be specified if desired. If more than one chromosome is present, the chromosome boundaries will be marked. Alternatively, for a numeric x and a numeric or Rle y, data in y can be plotted at genome positions y. In this case, chromosome boundaries can be taken from the argument locs. If data for y-axis comes from a Rle, either specified directly or coming from the specified assayData element and sample, lines are plotted representing segments. } \examples{ data(genoset) genoPlot( baf.ds,1,element="lrr") genoPlot( genoPos(baf.ds), assayDataElement(baf.ds,"lrr")[,1], locs=locData(baf.ds) ) # The same genoPlot( 1:10, Rle(c(rep(0,5),rep(3,4),rep(1,1))) ) } \author{ Peter M. Haverty Peter M. Haverty } \seealso{ Other "genome plots": \code{\link{genomeAxis}} }