\name{einfo} \alias{einfo} \title{ Entrez database information } \description{ List all Entrez databases at NCBI or the indexing fields and available links for a specific database } \usage{ einfo(db, links=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{db}{ a valid Entrez database, if missing then all databases are listed} \item{links}{ list database links, default is fields } } \details{ Runs Einfo and parses XML results } \value{ A data.frame listing databases, fields, or links } \references{ \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25499 } } \author{ Chris Stubben } % \note{ } % \seealso{ } \examples{ einfo() einfo("bioproject") einfo("bioproject", TRUE) } \keyword{ methods }