\name{complete} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{complete} \docType{data} \title{ Complete microbial genome dates } \description{ Dates associated with complete microbial genomes at NCBI } \usage{data(complete)} \format{ A data frame with 1787 observations on the following 11 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{pid}}{genome project id} \item{\code{name}}{taxonomy name} \item{\code{released}}{release date in the \code{lproks} table } \item{\code{genbank}}{genbank ID of the largest chromosome from the comma-separated list in the \code{lproks} table} \item{\code{history}}{ the revision history date associated with the genbank ID } \item{\code{submitted}}{ the submission date associated with the genbank ID} \item{\code{pmid}}{ pubmed ID of genome paper from the comma-separated list in the \code{lproks} table. } \item{\code{published}}{ the published date of the pubmed ID} \item{\code{wgs}}{the WGS accession, if previously released as an assembly} \item{\code{assembled}}{the assembly release date} \item{\code{source}}{ likely source of the \code{lproks} release date } } } \details{ This table was created to check release dates in the \code{\link{lproks}} table. The revision history date was added using \code{\link{ncbiRelease}}, the submission date using \code{\link{ncbiSubmit}}, and publication date using the \code{\link{pub}} dataset. Currently, 178 complete genomes are mislabeled with the assembly release date (out of 473 that were previously released as an assembly) and the source for 204 others is unknown. Many of the first genomes released report "published" dates. } \source{ See \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/WGS/WGSprojectlist.cgi } for a list of the 473 assembly projects superceded by a complete genome sequence. } % \references{ } \examples{ data(complete) # some early genomes use published dates from the wrong paper (eg, 2nd and 4th genomes below) complete[1:5, ] # likely source of release dates table2(complete$source) # genomes previously submitted as WGS table(is.na(complete$wgs)) subset(complete, !is.na(wgs))[1:2,] } \keyword{datasets}