\name{laneSubsample} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{laneSubsample} \title{ Subsample short read alignment locations } \description{ Subsamples data from multiple lanes on a per-chromosome basis. } \usage{ laneSubsample(lane1, lane2, fudge = 0.05) } \arguments{ \item{lane1, lane2}{ Two lanes of data, each of class \code{"GenomeData"}. } \item{fudge}{ A numeric fudge factor. For each chromosome, if the difference in the sizes relative to the size of the first dataset is less than \code{fudge}, no subsampling is done. } } \value{ \code{laneSubsample} returns a list similar to its input, but with the larger dataset subsampled to be similar to the smaller one. } \author{ D. Sarkar } \examples{ data(cstest) ## subsample to compare lanes cstest.sub <- laneSubsample(cstest[[1]], cstest[[2]]) unlist(cstest.sub) } \keyword{manip} \keyword{utilities}