\name{logistic} \alias{logistic} \title{Logistic growth model} \usage{ logistic(x, mu, l, z0, zmax) } \arguments{ \item{x}{\code{numeric} vector: time points for which log(OD) must be computed} \item{mu}{\code{numeric} scalar: maximal growth rate parameter} \item{l}{\code{numeric} scalar: time lag parameter} \item{z0}{\code{numeric} scalar: minimal log(OD) parameter} \item{zmax}{\code{numeric} scalar: maximal log(OD) parameter} } \value{ \code{numeric} vector: log(OD) for the time points given in \code{x} } \description{ Logistic growth model as defined in Zwietering et al. } \examples{ x = 1:1000 y = logistic(x, mu=0.01, l=200, z0=1, zmax=5) plot(x,y) } \author{ Julien Gagneur } \references{ Zwietering, et al. Modeling of the Bacterial Growth Curve, APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 1990. }