\name{transformGRangesToDfWithTicks} \alias{transformGRangesToDfWithTicks} \title{transformGRangesToDfWithTicks} \description{ Transform GRanges object to a data.frame with ticks position stored in a list. This is different from simply coerce GRanges to a data frame, it is used for Grand Linear Compact View, which need to recompute the genomic coordinate and forcing them to be continued values. } \usage{ transformGRangesToDfWithTicks(gr, fixed.length = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{gr}{ A GRanges object. } \item{fixed.length}{ Fixed length for arranging space. If NULL, use data range, which means it's simply concatenate the data based on seqnames. If it's provided, it's required that it's a numeric vector and names of the vector corresponding to the seqnames. } } \value{ A list contains a data frame which with adjusted coordinates and a vector indicates the ticks position, which will be used for Grand Linear Compact View labeling in some graphics. } \details{ For compact grand linear view, we need to recompute the coordinates and concatenate them in a linear manner, remove the x axis labels and relabel them with chromosome names. So this function serve the basis for doing such transformation. } \examples{ library(GenomicRanges) gr <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(seq(1,100, length.out = 10), width = 5)) transformGRangesToDfWithTicks(gr) } \author{Tengfei Yin}