\name{pileupAsGRanges} \alias{pileupAsGRanges} \title{Summarize reads for certain region} \usage{pileupAsGRanges(bams, regions, DNABases=c("A", "C", "G", "T", "N"), ...) } \description{This function summarize reads from bam files for nucleotides on single base unit in a given region, this allows the downstream mismatch summary analysis.} \details{It's a wrapper around \code{applyPileup} function in Rsamtools package, more detailed control could be found under manual of PileupParam function in Rsamtools. \code{pileupAsGRanges} function return a GRanges object which including summary of nucleotides, depth, bam file path. This object could be read directly into \code{pileupGRangesAsVariantTable} function for mismatch summary.} \value{A GRanges object, each row is one single base unit. and elementMetadata contains summary about this position about all nucleotides specified by DNABases. and \code{depth} for total reads, \code{bam} for file path.} \author{Michael Lawrence, Tengfei Yin} \arguments{\item{bams}{A character which specify the bam file path.} \item{regions}{A GRanges object specifying the region to be summarized. This passed to \code{which} arguments in \code{PileupParam}.} \item{DNABases}{Nucleotide type you want to summarize in the result and in specified order. It must be one or more of A,C,G,T,N.} \item{...}{Extra parameters passed to \code{PileupParam}.} } \examples{ \dontrun{ library(Rsamtools) data(genesymbol) library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19) bamfile <- system.file("extdata", "SRR027894subRBM17.bam", package="biovizBase") test <- pileupAsGRanges(bamfile, region = genesymbol["RBM17"]) test.match <- pileupGRangesAsVariantTable(test, Hsapiens) head(test[,-7]) head(test.match[,-5]) } }