\name{squeezedVarOutlierMethod} \alias{squeezedVarOutlierMethod} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Identifier outliers on an array section } \description{ An outlier calling method that shrinks the observed variance for a bead-type towards the predicted variance based on all bead-types on the array-section. } \usage{ squeezedVarOutlierMethod(inten, probeList, wts=1, n = 3, predictNlim=14) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{inten}{ a list of intensities } \item{probeList}{ the IDs corresponding to each intensity value } \item{wts}{ Weights associated with beads, indicating those recommended for removal by, for example, \code{\link{BASH}} } \item{n}{ number of SDs cutoff used } \item{predictNlim}{ how many beads of a bead-type must be present for that bead-type to contribute to prediction of variances? } } \details{ This function is called within the \code{\link{summarize}} routine of beadarray to exclude outlying beads from an array-section prior to summary. The intensities are not assumed to be on any particular scale and can result from any user-defined transformation function, however a log-transformation is recommended. Bead-types that have \code{predictNlim} numbers are used to locally regress bead-type precision against bead-type mean, as well as the squared residual error of bead-type precision against bead-type mean. These are then used as prior values for the distribution of precision to feed into a standard Bayesian calcuation to obtain an estimate of the posterior variance. Beads with weight zero do not contribute to the outlier calling. } \value{ the positions in the original vector that were determined to be outliers } \author{ Andy Lynch } \seealso{\code{\link{illuminaOutlierMethod}}} \examples{ if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) oList = squeezedVarOutlierMethod(logGreenChannelTransform(exampleBLData, 1), getBeadData(exampleBLData, array=1, what="ProbeID")) } }