\name{arrayQualityMetrics} \alias{arrayQualityMetrics} \title{Quality metrics for microarray experiments} \description{Produce an array quality metrics report. This is the main function of the package. } \usage{ arrayQualityMetrics(expressionset, outdir = reporttitle, force = FALSE, do.logtransform = FALSE, intgroup = NULL, grouprep, spatial = TRUE, reporttitle = paste("arrayQualityMetrics report for", deparse(substitute(expressionset))), ...) } \arguments{ \item{expressionset}{a Bioconductor microarray dataset container. This can be an object of class \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}, \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}}, \code{\link[Biobase:class.NChannelSet]{NChannelSet}}, \code{\link[beadarray:class-ExpressionSetIllumina]{ExpressionSetIllumina}}, \code{\link[limma:rglist]{RGList}}, \code{\link[limma:malist]{MAList}}.} \item{outdir}{the name of the directory in which the report is created; a character of length 1.} \item{force}{if the directory named by \code{outdir} already exists, then, if \code{force} is \code{TRUE}, the directory is overwritten, otherwise an error is thrown; if the directory does not exist, the value of \code{force} is irrelevant; a logical of length 1.} \item{do.logtransform}{indicates whether the data should be logarithm transformed before the analysis; a logical of length 1.} \item{intgroup}{the name of the sample covariate(s) used to draw a colour side bar next to the heatmap. The first element of \code{intgroup} is also used define sample groups in other plots (boxplots, densities). \code{intgroup} should be a character vector, and its elements need to match the columns names of \code{phenoData(expressionset)}. If \code{NULL} or of length 0, then the plots are not decorated with sample covariate information.} \item{grouprep}{deprecated. Use argument \code{intgroup} instead.} \item{spatial}{indicates whether spatial plots should be made; a logical of length 1. This can be useful for large arrays (like Affymetrix hgu133Plus2) when CPU time and RAM resources of the machine would be limiting. } \item{reporttitle}{title for the report (character of length 1).} \item{...}{further arguments that will be passed on to the different \code{\link[=aqm.pca]{module functions}}.} } \details{ See the arrayQualityMetrics vignette for examples of this function. } \value{ A side effect of the function is the creation of directory named by \code{outdir} containing a HTML report \code{QMreport.html} and figures. The function also returns a list with R objects containing the report elements for subsequent programmatic processing. } \author{ Audrey Kauffmann and Wolfgang Huber. }