\name{pubmed} \alias{pubmed} \title{A function to open the browser to Pubmed with the selected gene. } \description{ Given a vector of Pubmed identifiers or accession numbers, the user can either have a browser display a URL showing a Pubmed query for those identifiers, or a XMLdoc object with the same data. } \usage{ pubmed(...,disp=c("data","browser"), type=c("uid","accession"), pmaddress=.efetch("PubMed", disp, type)) } \arguments{ \item{...}{Vectorized set of Pubmed ID's} \item{disp}{Either "Data" or "Browser" (default is data). Data returns a XMLDoc, while Browser will display information in the user's browser.} \item{type}{Denotes whether the arguments are accession numbers or UIDS. Defaults to uids.} \item{pmaddress}{Specific path to the pubmed efetch engine from the NCBI website.} } \details{ A simple function to retrieve Pubmed data given a specific ID, either through XML or through a web browser. This function will accept either pubmed accession numbers or NCBI UIDs (defined as a Pubmed ID or a Medline ID) - although the types must not be mixed in a single call. WARNING: The powers that be at NCBI have been known to ban the IP addresses of users who abuse their servers (currently defined as less then 2 seconds between queries). Do NOT put this function in a tight loop or you may find your access revoked. } \value{ If the option "data" is used, an object of type XMLDoc is returned, unless there was an error with the query in which case an object of type try-error is returned. If the option "browser" is used, nothing is returned. } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{\code{\link{genbank}}, \code{\link[XML]{xmlTreeParse}}} \examples{ if( interactive() ) opts <- c("data","browser") else opts <- "data" for (dp in opts) pubmed("11780146","11886385","11884611",disp=dp) } \keyword{ interface }