\name{pm.titles} \alias{pm.titles} \title{Obtain the titles of the PubMed abstracts.} \description{ This function returns the titles from a list of PubMed abstracts. } \usage{ pm.titles(absts) } \arguments{ \item{absts}{The list of PubMed abstracts.} } \details{ It simply uses \code{sapply}. } \value{ A character vector of length equal to the number of abstracts. Each element is the title of the corresponding abstract. } \author{Robert Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{pm.abstGrep}}} \examples{ library("hgu95av2.db") hoxa9 <- "37806_at" absts <- pm.getabst(hoxa9, "hgu95av2") pm.titles(absts)[[1]][[1]] } \keyword{manip}