\name{pm.getabst} \alias{pm.getabst} \title{Obtain the abstracts for a set PubMed list.} \description{ The data provided by PubMed is reduced to a small set. This set is then suitable for further rendering. } \usage{ pm.getabst(geneids, basename) } \arguments{ \item{geneids}{The identifiers used to find Abstracts } \item{basename}{The base name of the annotation package to use. } } \details{ We rely on the annotation in the package associated with the \code{basename} to provide PubMed identifiers for the genes described by the gene identifiers. With these in hand we then use the \code{pmfetch} utility to download the PubMed abstracts in XML form. These are then translated (transformed) to a shorter version containing a small subset of the data provided by PubMed. This function has the side effect of creating an environment in \code{.GlobalEnv} that contains the mapping for the requested data. This is done for efficiency -- so we don't continually read in the data when there are many different queries to be performed. } \value{ A list of lists containing objects of class \code{pubMedAbst}. There will be one element of the list for each identifier. Each of these elements is a list containing one abstract (of class \code{pubMedAbst} for each PubMed identifier associated with the gene identifier. } \author{Robert Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{pm.abstGrep}}, \code{\link{pm.titles}}} \examples{ library("hgu95av2.db") hoxa9 <- "37806_at" absts <- pm.getabst(hoxa9, "hgu95av2") } \keyword{manip}