\name{limma2annaffy} \alias{limma2annaffy} \alias{limma2annaffy.na} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Function to Create HTML Tables from limma Objects } \description{ This function is designed to take an \code{ExpressionSet} and an \code{lmFit}, \code{model.matrix}, and contrast object from limma and convert into HTML tables using annaffy. The alternate function \code{limma2annaffy.na} is designed to be run without user intervention. } \usage{ limma2annaffy(eset, fit, design, contrast, lib, adjust = "fdr", anncols = aaf.handler()[c(1:3, 6:7, 9:12)], number = 30, pfilt = NULL, fldfilt= NULL,tstat = TRUE, pval = TRUE, FC = TRUE, expression = TRUE, html = TRUE, text = FALSE, save = FALSE, addname = NULL, addtitle = NULL, interactive = TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{eset}{ An \code{ExpressionSet} containing affymetrix expression values. } \item{fit}{An \code{lmFit} object. } \item{design}{ A \code{model.matrix} object. } \item{contrast}{A contrasts matrix from limma. } \item{lib}{ An annotation package for the Affy chips used. } \item{adjust}{ Multiplicity adjustment. Choices are "fdr","holm","hommel","bonferroni", or "none". Partial matching allowed. } \item{anncols}{A vector of things to annotate, produced by a call to aaf.handler().} \item{number}{ Number of genes to output to table. See details for more information. } \item{pfilt}{ A p-value to filter output. See details for more information. } \item{fldfilt}{ A fold change to filter output. See details for more information. } \item{tstat}{Boolean: Output t-statistics in table? Defaults to \code{FALSE}. } \item{pval}{Boolean: Output (adjusted) p-values in table? Defaults to \code{FALSE}. } \item{FC}{Boolean: Output fold changes in table? Defaults to \code{FALSE}. } \item{expression}{ Boolean: Output expression values in table? Defaults to \code{TRUE}. } \item{html}{Boolean: Output data in HTML tables? Defaults to \code{TRUE}. } \item{text}{Boolean: Output data in text tables? Defaults to \code{TRUE}. } \item{save}{ Boolean: Save tables as R objects for further processing? Defaults to \code{FALSE}. } \item{addname}{ A character vector to add to the end of the automatically generated output file names. Useful for multiple calls to eliminate over-writing of existing HTML or text tables.} \item{addtitle}{A character vector to add to the title for the HTML table. By default the title will be the same as the filename. If the addname argument is not \code{NULL}, then that will be appended to the filename (and will be used as the HTML title). If addtitle is not \code{NULL}, it will be appended to the filename and that will then be used as the HTML table title.} \item{interactive}{Boolean: Is this an interactive call, or run as part of a script (e.g., in an \code{Sweave} document)? Defaults to \code{TRUE}} } \details{ This function is designed to automatically output HTML or text tables, with filenames taken from the column names of the contrast matrix. The number of genes output can be controlled several different ways. First, if pfilt and fldfilt are both \code{NULL}, the top genes will be output based on the \code{number} variable. Otherwise, the genes are filtered based on p-value, fold change, or both. If the genes are filtered this way, the number of genes to be output will be listed and the filter(s) can then be adjusted if necessary. This function currently only supports Affymetrix data. } \value{ If \code{save} is \code{TRUE}, a list of tables from \code{\link[limma:toptable]{topTable}} will be output. } \author{ James W. MacDonald } \seealso{ \code{\link[limma:toptable]{topTable}}, \code{\link[annaffy]{aafTableAnn}}} \keyword{ manip }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS