\name{SD} \alias{SD} \alias{tableSD} \alias{affycomp.figure7} \alias{affycomp.compfig7} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{SD Assessment Functions} \description{ These functions create assessments, figures, and tables for expression standard errors} \usage{ affycomp.figure7(l,main="Figure 7") affycomp.compfig7(l,method.names=as.character(1:length(l)), main="Figure 7") tableSD(l,method.names=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{l}{a list of lists with the necessary components to create the Figure. See details.} \item{method.names}{a character vector with the names of the expression measures methodologies being compared. } \item{main}{title of the Figure.} } \details{ This uses the dilution data. The exprsets need to have standard error estimates in the \code{assayDataElement(exprset,"se.exprs")}. Read the vignette for more details. The functions work similarly to those assessing expression measures. All these files need the result of \code{\link{assessSD}} } \value{Depends on the call.} \author{Rafael A. Irizarry} \examples{ library(affycompData) data(rma.sd.assessment) ##this was produced with affycomp.assess data(lw.sd.assessment) ##this one too affycomp.compfig7(list(rma.sd.assessment,lw.sd.assessment)) affycomp.figure7(rma.sd.assessment) } \keyword{manip}