\name{plotILM} \docType{methods} \alias{plotILM} \alias{plotILM,ILM-method} \alias{plotILM,ILM,character-method} \alias{plotILM,ILM,missing-method} \title{ plotILM } \description{ Illustrate the Langmuir Isotherm for selected probe set. } \usage{ plotILM(object,y,z,...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of type \code{\linkS4class{ILM}}} \item{y}{A probe set} \item{z}{The name of a sample} \item{...}{Graphical parameters can be given as arguments to \code{\link[graphics]{par}}} } \details{\code{plotIntens} plots one graph for each CEL-file. Note that it is only possible to plot one probe set at a time (if y (or z) is a vector, only the first value is used). If y=NULL or z=NULL, there is no output. Optional plot.error argument (numeric) can be used to define the illustration of the variability. plot.error=1 computes the error on the log scale. plot.error=2 (default value) computes the error on the concentrations. plot.error=3 computes the error on the concentrations, for 2 intervals. Note that error curves can only be plotted if concentration is higher than error (negative concentration does not exist!).} \author{Myriam Kroll, Fabrice Berger and Enrico Carlon} \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{ILM}},\code{\link{plotIntens}}} \examples{ path <- system.file("rawData", "FusionSDK_HG-Focus", "HG-Focus", "2.Calvin", package="AffymetrixDataTestFiles") file1 <- file.path(path,"HG-Focus-1-121502.CEL") file2 <- file.path(path,"HG-Focus-2-121502.CEL") result2 <- ilm(c(file1,file2)) ## plot output plotILM(result2,y="203561_at",z="HG-Focus-2-121502.CEL") } \keyword{ methods }