\name{logReg} \alias{logReg} \title{Logistic regression for predicting the probability to belong to a certain class in binary classification problems.} \description{ Logistic regression for predicting the probability to belong to a certain class in binary classification problems. } \usage{ logReg(object, groups, probesetId = NULL, geneSymbol = NULL, main = NULL, probe2gene = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ExpressionSet object for the experiment} \item{groups}{String containing the name of the grouping variable. This should be a the name of a column in the \code{pData} of the \code{expressionSet} object.} \item{probesetId}{The probeset ID. These should be stored in the \code{featureNames} of the \code{expressionSet} object.} \item{geneSymbol}{The gene symbol. These should be stored in the column \code{`Gene Symbol`} in the \code{featureData} of the \code{expressionSet} object.} \item{main}{Main title on top of the graph} \item{probe2gene}{Boolean indicating whether the probeset should be translated to a gene symbol (used for the default title of the plot)} \item{\dots}{Possibility to add extra plot options. See \code{\link{par}}} } \details{ It will always estimate probability scores to belong to the second level of the factor variable. If a probability score to other level is preferred, then you need to change the order of the levels of the factor. } \value{ A data.frame object with three columns and rownames \item{rownames }{The 'sampleNames' of the expressionSet object} \item{x }{The expression values for the specified gene for all samples} \item{y }{The labels of the samples} \item{fit }{The fitted probability score to belong to one of the two classes.} } \references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{Willem Talloen} \seealso{\code{\link[a4Classif]{ROCcurve}},\code{\link{probabilitiesPlot}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ if (require(ALL)){ data(ALL, package = "ALL") ALL <- addGeneInfo(ALL) ALL$BTtype <- as.factor(substr(ALL$BT,0,1)) logRegRes <- logReg(geneSymbol = "HLA-DPB1", object = ALL, groups = "BTtype") # scoresplot probabilitiesPlot(proportions = logRegRes$fit, classVar = logRegRes$y, sampleNames = rownames(logRegRes), main = 'Probability of being a T-cell type ALL') # barplot probabilitiesPlot(proportions = logRegRes$fit, classVar = logRegRes$y, barPlot=TRUE, sampleNames = rownames(logRegRes), main = 'Probability of being a T-cell type ALL') } } }