\name{robustSds} \alias{robustSds} \title{ Calculate robust estimates of the standard deviation } \description{ Uses the median absolute deviation (MAD) to calculate robust estimates of the standard deviation } \usage{ robustSds(x, takeLog = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A matrix of copy number estimates. Rows are features, columns are samples. } \item{takeLog}{ Whether to log-transform the copy number estimates before computing robust sds } \item{\dots}{ additional arguments to \code{rowMedians} } } \details{ For matrices \code{x} with 4 or more samples, the row-wise MAD (SNP-specific sds) are scaled by sample MAD / median(sample MAD). If the matrix has 3 or fewer samples, the MAD of the sample(s) is returned. } \value{ Matrix of standard deviations. } \examples{ data(locusLevelData, package="oligoClasses") sds <- robustSds(locusLevelData[["copynumber"]]/100, takeLog=TRUE) } \keyword{ manip }