\name{read.bsfiles} \alias{read.bsfiles} \title{ Read BeadStudio/GenomeStudio processed data. } \description{ Read BeadStudio/GenomeStudio processed data and return an array of log R ratios and B allele frequencies. } \usage{ read.bsfiles(path = "", filenames, ext = "", row.names = 1, sep = "\t", lrr.colname = "Log.R.Ratio", baf.colname = "B.Allele", drop = FALSE, colClasses, nrows = 1800000, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{path}{ character: path to plain text files containing BeadStudio processed data } \item{filenames}{ character: name of file(s) } \item{ext}{ character: filename extension } \item{row.names}{ As in read.table. By default, the first column is assumed to be the feature identifiers. } \item{sep}{ As in read.table. } \item{lrr.colname}{ character: used to grep for the log R ratios in the header. E.g., \code{grep(lrr.colname, header) } should return a length 1 vector, where header is a vector of the column labels. } \item{baf.colname}{ character: used to grep for the B allele frequency in the header. E.g., \code{grep(baf.colname, header) } should return a length 1 vector, where header is a vector of the column labels. } \item{drop}{ Logical: if TRUE, dimnames will not be returned } \item{colClasses}{ Vector as in \code{read.table}. Note that if colClasses is not specified, the colClasses will be defined by reading in the first few rows. "NULL" will be assigned to all columns not containing B allele frequencies or log R ratios. } \item{nrows}{ As in \code{read.table}. } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments passed to \code{read.table}. } } %\details{ % % %} \value{ A 3 dimensional array: features x statistic (lrr or baf) x sample } \author{ R. Scharpf } \seealso{ \code{\link{read.table}} } \examples{ path <- system.file("extdata", package="VanillaICE") filename <- list.files(path, pattern="LRRandBAF", full.names=TRUE) dat <- read.bsfiles(filenames=filename) } \keyword{IO}