\name{hmmSnpSet} \alias{hmmSnpSet} \title{ Function for fitting a HMM to SnpSet containers } \description{ Function for fitting a HMM to SnpSet containers. This HMM uses only the genotypes to find regions of homozygosity. For copy number inference, see \code{hmmBeadStudioSet} and \code{hmmOligoSnpSet}. } \usage{ hmmSnpSet(object, ICE = FALSE, chromosome = 1:22, normalIndex = 1L, rohIndex = normalIndex + 1L, S = 2L, prGtHom = c(0.95, 0.05), prGtMis = rep(1/S, S), prHetCalledHom = 0.001, prHetCalledHet = 0.995, prHomInNormal = 0.8, prHomInRoh = 0.999, TAUP=1e8,...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{ A \code{SnpSet}. } \item{ICE}{ Whether to use the genotype confidence scores when estimating the emission probabilities. } \item{chromosome}{ Numeric vector indicating which chromosomes to fit for the HMM. See \code{unique(chromosome(object))} for valid chromosomes.} \item{normalIndex}{ Index for state with typical rate of heterozygosity. } \item{rohIndex}{ Index for state with homozygous genotypes. } \item{S}{ Integer indicating number of states (typically 2). } \item{prGtHom}{ Numeric vector indicating the probability of a homozygous genotype for each of the hidden states. E.g., c(0.70, 0.99) for states corresponding to typical heterozygosity and homozygosity. } \item{prGtMis}{ Numeric vector indicating the probability of a missing genotype for each hidden state. The default assumes that missing genotypes are equally probable in any of the hidden states. } \item{prHetCalledHom}{ Numeric vector indicating the probability that a true heteroygous genotype is incorrectly called homozygous -- one value for each hidden state.} \item{prHetCalledHet}{ Numeric vector indicating the probability that a truly heterozygous genotype is correctly called heterozygous -- one value for each hidden state. } \item{prHomInNormal}{ The probability of a homozygous genotype in a region with typical heterozygosity. } \item{prHomInRoh}{ The probability of a homozygous genotype in a region of homozygosity. } \item{TAUP}{ scalar for defining transition probabilities. Larger values of TAUP discourage jumps between states. } \item{\dots}{ Presently ignored } } \value{ A \code{RangedData}-derived class. } \author{ R. Scharpf } \seealso{ \code{\link{hmm}}, \code{\link{hmmBeadStudioSet}}, \code{\link{hmmOligoSnpSet}} } \keyword{smooth}