\name{hmmResults} \alias{hmmResults} \docType{data} \title{ Example output from hmm } \description{ Example output from \code{hmm} method applied to simulated data. } \usage{data(hmmResults)} \format{ A \code{RangedDataHMM} object. } \details{ The results of a 6-state HMM fit to simulated copy number and genotype data. } \seealso{\code{\link{xyplot}}} \examples{ library(oligoClasses) data(oligoSetExample, package="oligoClasses") oligoSet <- oligoSet[chromosome(oligoSet) == 1, ] hmmResults <- hmm(oligoSet) state(hmmResults) ## ## Plotting ranges: ## if(require(SNPchip) && require(IRanges)){ ## Plot the data for the second range with a blue ## border, and frame the region by 10 Mb on each side ## of the state boundary. ## xyplot(cn~x, oligoSet, range=hmmResults[2, ], frame=10e6, panel=xypanel, pch=21, cex=0.3, col.hom="royalblue", fill.hom="royalblue", col.het="red", fill.het="red", xlab="Mb", ylab=expression(log[2]("copy number"))) ## (Note that the formula cn~x is required at this time) ## ## Or, plot each range in its own panel with a frame ## of 2e6 bases. (Again, the formula is a standard format ## with cn, x, range, and id the only allowed terms) Because ## these are all the ranges from one individual's chromosome, ## the ranges are overlapping The range 'in focus' is ## demarcated by vertical blue lines xyplot(cn~x | range, oligoSet, range=hmmResults, frame=2e6, panel=xypanel, pch=21, cex=0.3, scales=list(x="free"), border="blue", col.hom="royalblue", col.het="salmon", col.np="grey", par.strip.text=list(cex=0.6), xlab="Mb", ylab=expression(log[2]("copy number"))) } } \keyword{datasets}