\name{hmmBeadStudioSet} \alias{hmmBeadStudioSet} \alias{hmmOligoSnpSet} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ HMM functions for oligoSnpSet and BeadStudioSet containers } \description{ HMM functions for \code{oligoSnpSet} and \code{BeadStudioSet} containers. These functions are exported in the package's namespace to provide documentation of arguments that can be passed from the \code{hmm} method for these containers. The \code{hmmBeadStudioSet} function is always called when the object passed to the \code{hmm} method is a \code{BeadStudioSet}. By contrast, the \code{hmm} method for \code{oligoSnpSet} objects will only call the \code{hmmOligoSnpSet} function if B allele frequences (assay data element "baf") is not included in the list of assay data elements. Specifically, if assay data element "baf" is in the list of assay data elements of a \code{oligoSnpSet} container, the \code{hmm} method for the \code{oligoSnpSet} class calls the \code{hmmBeadStudioSet} function. } \usage{ hmmBeadStudioSet(object, cnStates = logCnStates(), normalIndex = 3L,rohIndex = normalIndex + 1L, prOutlierCN = 0.01, prOutlierBAF = 0.001,p.hom = 0.05, TAUP = 1e+08, is.log, initialProb =rep(1/length(cnStates), length(cnStates)), center = TRUE, reestimation =TRUE, nupdates = 10, tolerance = 1, ...) hmmOligoSnpSet(object, cnStates = c(0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4), normalIndex = 3L, rohIndex = normalIndex + 1L, prOutlierCN = 0.01, prOutlierBAF = 0.001, p.hom = 0.05, TAUP = 1e+08, is.log, initialProb = rep(1/length(cnStates), length(cnStates)), center = TRUE, reestimation = TRUE, nupdates = 10, tolerance = 1, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{ A \code{oligoSnpSet} or \code{BeadStudioSet}. } \item{cnStates}{ A vector of starting values (numeric) specifying the means of the Normal distribution assumed for latent copy numbers. The means must be specified for states homozygous deletion (zero copies), hemizygous deletion (1 copy), normal (2 copies), normal and no heterozygotes (2 copies), single copy duplication (3 copies), and two+ copy duplication (4+ copies). The starting values are updated via EM. } \item{normalIndex}{ Integer indicating the state index for diploid copy number. This should nearly always be '3' if the 6-state HMM (see \code{cnStates}) is fit as recommended. } \item{rohIndex}{ The state index (integer) for diploid copy number without heterozygotes. This should be '4'. It is important to include this state even if homozygous regions with diploid copy number are not of interest. } \item{prOutlierCN}{ The probability that a copy number estimate is an outlier. This is an initial estimate that is updated for each copy number state via EM. } \item{prOutlierBAF}{ The probability that a B allele frequency is an outlier. This is an initial estimate that is updated for each copy number state via EM. } \item{p.hom}{ } \item{TAUP}{ Scalar for the transition probability matrix. Larger values discourage transitions from the normal state. (The transition probabilities are a function of the distance between adjacent markers. These probabilities are not updated as part of the EM step.) } \item{is.log}{ A \code{logical} indicating whether the copy number estimates are on the log scale. Note that the assay data elements in \code{oligoSnpSet} and \code{BeadStudioSet} should be represented as integers (copy number or relative copy number * 100). If \code{is.log} is TRUE, we assume that after division by 100 the assay data element containing the copy numbers (or relative copy numbers) is on the log-scale. The scale has implications on what is considered to be extreme. } \item{initialProb}{ Vector of initial state probabilities. This is required to be the same length as \code{cnStates}. } \item{center}{ Whether to center the copy number for each chromosomal arm at the theoretical mean for the diploid copy number state. This may not be appropriate for some datasets (e.g., trisomy 21, cancer applications). A safer approach is to set this argument to \code{FALSE} and center all autosomes at the theoretical mean for two copies prior to fitting the HMM. } \item{reestimation}{ Logical, but currently ignored. } \item{nupdates}{ The maximum number of reestimation steps for updating the mean, variance, and outlier probabilities of the Gaussian-Uniform mixture for each copy number state. } \item{tolerance}{ If the difference in the log likelihood between successive EM updates is less than tolerance, the number of updates can be less than \code{nupdates}. } \item{\dots}{ Presently ignored } } \value{ A \code{RangedData}-derived object. } \author{ R. Scharpf } \seealso{ \code{\link{hmmSnpSet}} } \keyword{smooth}