\name{centerAutosomesAt} \alias{centerAutosomesAt} \title{Center estimates of copy number for autosomes.} \description{Center estimates of copy number for autosomes.} \usage{ centerAutosomesAt(x, at, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A \code{oligoSnpSet} or \code{CopyNumberSet} object.} \item{at}{numeric. Value at which to center the copy number estimates (e.g., 2).} \item{\dots}{Ignored} } \details{ The function sweeps out the column median of the autosomal copy number estimates, and adds back a constant given by \code{at}. } \value{ A object of the same class as \code{x} with centered copy number estimates for the autosomal chromosomes. Chromosomes X and Y are not centered. } \author{ R. Scharpf } %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ \seealso{ \code{link{sweep}} } \keyword{manip}