\name{make.wigfiles} \alias{make.wigfiles} \title{Creates wiggle files with per-base coverages} \description{Prepares wiggle files with (non-zero) per-base coverages for the upload and visualization with genome browsers} \usage{ make.wigfiles(coverageAll, chroms, trackname = "Coverage", filename = "Coverage") } \arguments{ \item{coverageAll}{\code{\link[IRanges:Rle-class]{RleList}} containing \code{\link[IRanges:Rle-class]{Rle}} vectors of per-base coverages for each chromosome, i.e. \code{coverageAll} output of \code{\link{coverage.target}}} \item{chroms}{vector of chromosome names for which to produce wiggle files; if missing wiggle files will be produced for all chromosomes on which there are reads} \item{trackname}{trackname for wiggle file header} \item{filename}{part of output wiggle file name. Respective chromosome number and '.wig' will be added} } \details{Only non-zero coverages will be listed} \value{One or more wiggle files listing per-base (non-zero) read coverages} %\references{} \author{Manuela Hummel \email{manuela.hummel@crg.es}} %\note{} \seealso{\code{\link{coverage.target}}, \code{\link{coverage.plot}}, \code{\link{covered.k}}, \code{\link{coverage.hist}}, \code{\link{coverage.uniformity}}, \code{\link{coverage.targetlength.plot}}} \examples{ ## get reads and targets exptPath <- system.file("extdata", package="TEQC") readsfile <- file.path(exptPath, "ExampleSet_Reads.bed") reads <- get.reads(readsfile, idcol=4, skip=0) targetsfile <- file.path(exptPath, "ExampleSet_Targets.bed") targets <- get.targets(targetsfile, skip=0) ## calculate per-base coverages Coverage <- coverage.target(reads, targets, perBase=TRUE) ## create wiggle files for read coverages on chromsomes 13 and 17 make.wigfiles(Coverage$coverageAll, chroms=c("chr13", "chr17")) } \keyword{ file }